Courage to Leap

LeapHappy Valentine’s Day to my dedicated readers! And if you don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day for whatever reason, Happy 50% Off of Lots of Candy Eve! (hee hee!) Whatever your plans, single or coupled, remember to love yourself today! That is truly the most important thing.

Today I’m going to talk about courage and taking a leap of faith when needed. Funny thing is that “Courage” is the topic for this week’s LifeBook 2013 art project and the timing couldn’t be better. I have made a big decision that requires a leap of faith on my part. It’s a calculated choice and all signs point to the positive, but there’s still a bit of risk associated with changing; hence the leap. And when you’re wired the way I am for high-octane anxiety and asking the never-completely-answered “What if??” questions, change is change even when it’s GOOD change. So, this week’s art project is a all about courage and the times that require a person to tap into their courage. The image above–not my art, but lovely nonetheless–is in honor of that courage

In this week’s LifeBook 2013 lesson, I drew my very first full body since maybe the fifth grade when people’s heads in my drawings were big round-ish bubbles with noses that looked like upside down sevens. The goal was to draw a figure jumping with a representation of strength behind her–perhaps an animal totem. Apparently, I am not good at following directions–my girl isn’t jumping and she has a tree behind her. See below.


Often for me, the courage lies in the standing still with my decision and trusting that I have made the right choice. I am wicked good at questioning myself sometimes and because of this, my girl is confidently and peacefully standing with her decision, open to the goodness that is coming to her. Trusting.

I chose a tree as my totem for this piece since I’ve always loved an idea I heard a number of years ago that equated trees with wise elders or “wise ones” in Native American stories. Silently present except for the whisper of their leaves, steadfast in existing and yet always subtly changing with the world around them.

Not sure if the piece is completely done or not yet, but overall I’m pleased with it.

A week or two ago I mentioned that I was working on some secret art for my honey for Valentine’s Day…the gift has been opened and so now I can post a picture or two. Or three.

Val-book inside2 inside1

I made a little book…maybe 3″x3″ in size and has maybe 35 water colored pages with one of the things I love about my honey on each page…it was terrifically fun to make! (Have I mentioned that I absolutely LOVE watercolors?? Yeah, I do. Go figure. I would have guessed that I would be an acrylics girl…who knew?)

That’s it for this week–but one parting thought. If you are facing something in your life that requires courage or a leap of faith, trust yourself to make the right decision. Make your decision and then open yourself up to the goodness that is waiting for you!

Artistically yours,


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1 Response to Courage to Leap

  1. patteiken says:

    What is your leap going to be?

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